Airside Code of Conduct
For (visiting) pilots and plane owners
Droneport is in the process of evolving from an airport with exclusive private flights to mixed operations. Furthermore, Droneport is extending the UAV operations towards an organisation where experimental drones will be allowed to do testing. One of the requirements to be granted these rights by the BCAA is that DP puts a Safety Management System in place for crewed an uncrewed operations. In this way we are a unique airport in Belgium. We combine on an almost daily basis the flights of UAV’s and aircraft.
In order to maintain safe and secure operations at all times access control to airside and the UAV test grounds is crucial. We need everybody’s cooperation to achieve this goal. Please read and take into consideration the way of conduct listed below applicable to airside access and visits.
1. General rules
- No smoking (including e-sigarets) is allowed airside and no alcoholic beverages may be consumed except on special occasions or organized events coordinated in advance with DP management. DronePort has a zero-tolerance policy for both the use and possession of narcotics.
- Safety and security is in everybody’s interest and requires the involvement and awareness of all pilots, aircraft owners, guides and accompanied visitors.
2. Security rules
- The badge giving access to airside is personal and will not be passed on to other persons.
- For security reasons no persons are allowed to be present in the hangar between 11pm and 06am local. If you need access between these hours, it has to be requested 24 hours in advance, with the for urgent unpredictable requests.
- When you see unfamiliar people wandering around in the hangar or on airside, challenge them and ask what they are doing there.
3. Safety rules
- All visitors/passengers airside will be accompanied at all times by a pilot or owner who becomes responsible for the visitors/passengers. The owner/pilot must wear a high-vis jacket.
- Visitors that are not passengers will stay behind the red line near the hangar except when invited to come to the aircraft escorted by the owner and/or pilot who is wearing a high-vis jacket.
- Passengers are only allowed to cross the red line when escorted by the owner/pilot wearing who is wearing a high-vis jacket.
- Foreign Object Debris (FOD) poses significant risks to aircraft, equipment, and personnel. The presence of FOD can lead to damage, operational delays, and severe injuries, therefore it’s everyone’s responsibility to avoid and pick-up FOD on airside, the UAV test grounds, and in and around the hangar.
- Observe the wind limitations of the gates posted next to the control panels.
- If you see an unsafe situation, go and intervene before anybody gets hurt or damage is caused to aircraft or installations. Report this to the DAC or any other staff member around or via the reporting system in place.
- In the interest of aviation safety, all collisions and all damage to aircraft, however minor they may be, must be immediately brought to the attention of the Duty Aerodrome Commander or via
- All accidents involving injuries or when damage to the Droneport airside facilities was caused, must immediately be brought to the attention of the Duty Aerodrome Commander or via
4. Hangar rules
- Aircraft in the hangar are not to be touched. Avoid passing from one side of the hangar to the other side by going in between the parked aircraft. A free passage lane will be created shortly so you can do this without any risk to persons or aircraft.
- Only pilots, owners or maintenance workers can pass in between the parked aircraft inside the hangar. Visiting groups that move from one side of the hangar to the other side will have to go outside or use the designated passageway near the front inside the hangar.
- Hangar gates must remain closed as much as possible. Leaving the front gates in an intermediate position for prolonged time must be avoided. The only true safe position of the gates is in the fully open or closed position (red light out). The illumination of the red light adjacent to the gates indicates that the corresponding gate is not in a safe position (full up or closed).
- In case a gate is stuck (red light on), contact the person responsible of the hangar or the DAC (Duty Aerodrome Commander) in the tower.
- If you are to leave the hangar in the evening, make sure the lights are out and all doors and gates are closed.
6. Visiting rules
- Visitor groups are restricted to 8 persons per escorting pilot. Make sure children don’t wander off, playing unaware of possible dangers. Dogs will be kept on the leash.
- Visits of bigger groups have to be coordinated before with the Aerodrome Commander or his representative.