EBR 72
Beyond visual line of sight drone missions
EBR 72
Our outdoor test area EBR 72 is used for flights departing from runway 06/24 and/or operating outside EBRs 61, 62 and 63 for beyond line of sight drone missions.
- UAS multi-copter
- Fixed-wing flight training
- Demonstration & events
- Surface: approx. 7.25 km x 3.20 km
- Minus a 50 m bufferzone from the edges of the area
- Maximum area altitude 2000 Ft AMSL (1750 Ft AGL/ 530 m AGL)*
- *Minus 100 Ft safety buffer
- Permanent contact with control tower
Operational requirements
- In accordance with UAS Geozone entry Requirements for EBR 72
- Take-off and landing from the RWY 06/24 or from one of the platforms in EBR 61 (see procedures EBR 61)
- UAS have to avoid all populated areas within EBR 72
- Simultaneous manned traffic is allowed in Sint-Truiden ATZ within the EBR 73 when UAS active in EBR 72
- Permanent contact between de Drone Zone Responsible (DZR) and the Duty Aerodrome Commander thru best means: ProTalk 2-way ground communication system (provided at DronePort) and/or back up by mobile phone required.
- The area has to be activated by NOTAM. NOTAM request will be introduced by the Droneport Geozone Manager after drone-flight slot approval
- Slot request to be introduced by the drone operator at the latest 2 working days before the day of the flight event
- DZR must contact Duty Aerodrome Commander whenever a safety problem occurs or could occur in respect to manned aircraft
- DZR must inform Duty Aerodrome Commander of any incident or accident
- DZR will inform Duty Aerodrome Commander at the start and the end of flying activities