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Hangar Flying: Navigating through Brussels Information

In short

As the end of 2023 rapidly approaches, we have one more Hangar Flying event before the Christmas holidays. On the 21th of December, we will welcome Flight Information Services Officer Arno Wierinckx, who will provide an update on the do’s and don’ts in the FIR Brussels.


  • Welcome at 19:45 in the Pilot Lounge
  • Each attendee receives 2 drink vouchers
  • Hangar Flying session starts at 8:00 PM
  • The speaker session concludes around 9:30 PM
  • Post-event discussions can continue in the Pilot Lounge

Admission Fees

  • BPA Regular and Active Members: Free
  • Sympathizing Members and Non-members: 10 EUR per person
  • Payment Method: Bank transfer to account number BE09 7360 7707 5557, with the reference “Hangar Flying December 23”


Please ensure to register by Tuesday, December 19.


For those interested in becoming a member of the Brustem Pilot Association, please reach out to our treasurer, Philippe Baldewijns, for more information.


PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: Due to a private event in the Cuisine, please use the back entrance. You can reach it by walking over the terrace to the left of the main entrance. Parking is also available between the Droneport building and the hangar.

Event program


You cannot register for this event here. You might have to register on the website of the organizing event partner, or the event might be passed, sold out or invite-only. Please contact for more information.

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